Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A poem for a friend...

He used to whisper secrets in her ear,
Hold her close, strangling and comforting.
She was blind to his scarlet soul
And he tricked her with pesky rosebuds
And bleeding affections, imprisoning her strength,
Dignity, and poise to bloom- break free of him
The waterlilies hissed. Escape escape the
Orchids murmured. But she was losing herself
In the stark summer sunsets of shimmering shadows.
But then one day- the light shown on her golden cheek
And released her inner shine for all to see.
She ripped and teared from his pointed vines
That prickled her skin and poured her blood 
Until the weed was no longer her master.
She is the most precious, stunning blossom and
Now she can grow and glimmer for the rest of the earth to see.


  1. I think I'm going to print this out for my wall. or my bulletin board or something. I love it so much. Thank you, again for writing it. I'm lucky that have a friend who can make sense out of the madness going on in my life<3

  2. Aw yay :] I am glad that you like it!
