Sunday, March 14, 2010

I do not want it to end.

Spring Break is ending. Today is the last day of fun, friends, and relaxation. Now I get to go back to studying, work, and stress. And I am not looking forward to it. Last Sunday was amazing. I spent all day outside in Northampton. It was beautiful out and a great way to start the week. And now it is cloudy and Dreary, because someone up there knows that my Spring Break is coming to an end.

I am being melodramatic; the rest of the semester will not be that bad. I am supposed to see Alice on Tuesday, Panera Day On Wednesday, Laura and I are going to visit Liz on Thursday, and the parade is on Sunday. Not that bad of a week. Except for the fact that I have two tests this week, two papers due, and fourteen hours of work. So let's just say, I am Not looking forward to it.

This week was amazing Though. It was a nice break from reality. Yesterday, Laura and I went to the Take Steps Kick-Off in Newton, and it went really well. It was a bit weird because everyone that was there were either in the thirties or above, or Ten and under. So we were the only young adults there. The director, Marianne, is really cool though. She really believes that we can make a difference and kept congratulating us in how far we have come already. She used our page as an example of how to personalize your website! Haha it was really funny. And we got to ask her a bunch of questions and she is going to send us a box of promotional stuff to help with everything. We are going to post flyers everywhere and have a table at Geissler's for a few weeks. I am really excited :] I Love it.

Well I need to get a bunch of stuff done today. Clean my room, study, maybe start my paper, and just relax in preparation for a busy, but Exciting week. I Am slowing beginning to realize how Very busy this summer is going to be, with me working 30+ hours a week. Am I crazy? Probably. But I really want to move out of my house and be independent. And in order to do that, I have to get money. Lots of money. It is Exciting but scary.

K time to get to work.

1 comment:

  1. it is sad that your spring break is over :( But you will still be having fun in between all the work you have to do. And we will have fun this summer! even though you will be busy. All of the hard work will be worth it in the end, just keep telling yourself that.

    And I am really excited for all the Take Steps stuff too :) we're awesome and will raise a lot of money. yay!
