Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I love Wednesdays!

I absolutely love Wednesdays! That may be because I no longer work on these days, since my hours have been cut in half at work. And yes, that is a bad thing, but I so enjoy these days off from everything. I had a very fun day today :] Laura and I hit Panera (which has become an obsession/addiction), went to TJ Maxx where I bought a new dress YAY, then Stop and Shop, Big Y, and Geissler's to buy chocolate. Don't ask. We ate these amazing pretzel, hershey hugs, and m&ms things that Katie told me how to make, while watching "Up in the Air." I was a bit frustrated and unsatisfied with the ending, but for the most part I really liked it.

So I am SUPER excited for Spring Break. But, I am slowly beginning to worry about my mountain of homework that I will have to do next week, when I know that I would much rather be hanging out with the girls. I have to study for my American Lit test, which includes writing a paper as well, observe for Education and then write the paper, get a good chunk of my unit plan done, and work on a scholarship. How this is all going to happen, I do not know. All I want to do next week is relax and hang out with my amazing friends. But work is a fail. And who knows if I will get hours at Geissler's? Part of me doesn't want to, but I know that I should. I want to fit in a few hours at school too, and coordinate it with our commuter council meeting on Tuesday. Yes, I know it is during Spring Break, fail. But this is our only chance to fight for a Commuter Lounge because of the renovations that they plan to do this summer. So it is necessary.

Ingrid Michaelson tomorrow! YES! I am so excited! I am so glad that Laura found out about this concert and I love that it is so spontaneous. Yes, I am 20 bucks poorer, but you only live once right? Or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

Laura mentioned today that I should get side bangs. I have been thinking about it all day, because i am so sick of my boring hair. It has always been the same, same color, same everything. But I know I don't want to cut it because I like it nice and long. Maybe bangs? The last time I got bangs they were a fail. I do not know. I need a change though!

I am going to go download some Eric Hutchinson because he is playing at the concert too and I don't know many of his songs :]

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