Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Imitation poem for Creative Writing. I don't think it is quite finished but it is due tomorrow, so I guess it will have to be!

The Consequence of Sounds

My smile is a book cover enveloping the transcript of my thoughts.

Regina Spektor narrates my life, although she often forgets my name.

My sense of direction is a broken TV- a plethora of knobs, buttons, fuzziness.

I hail from the land of swastikas, but our potato salad is delicious.

Technology has taken me prisoner. Those jail cells are so entertaining.

My teeth and retainer are in cahoots. They won’t straighten up.

My doctor prescribes a non-stressful life; I stress about not stressing.

I have a cat; he’s a monster, weighs twenty-five pounds, likes to sleep under my bed.

My love life is momentous. Single is infinitely listed as my relationship status.

I discovered the coffee bean to help me graduate.

My bad habits are prevented by laws. I only speed on the highway and text at a red light.

My soul is a microfiche sheet. You need a machine to understand the depths of my tiny print.

I am merely the consequence of sounds- luscious laughter and rambling tears.


  1. I like it! :) I especially like . . .

    "My doctor prescribes a non-stressful life; I stress about not stressing."

    "My bad habits are prevented by laws. I only speed on the highway and text at a red light."

  2. i'm sorry i didn't get a chance to see this last night, but i really love it! i don't think it's bad like you thought it was lol. there are so many lines that are just.. ahhh. i love it. you should make it your biography or something. lol
