Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just an update on life and other important things on my mind.

Hello all. I just wanted to write a bit about what is going on in my life, and take a short break from the poetry, although that is part of what is going on as well.

School began last week. And I am in love. I never want to leave college. I adore my classes, my friends that I get to see all the time, and just the feel of being on campus. I am sure that when the mountain of books that I have to read finally sinks in, my elation will wear off, but for now, I choose to enjoy this educational euphoria. I am taking six classes this semester, which is one more than a usual class load but I can handle it. At least I hope so. Secondary Curriculum, Adolescent Psych, History of the English Language, History Narrative and the Novel, Creative Writing, and Pottery. All so far so good. A couple are on the dull side so far but I hope that they will become more interesting later on. I feel like I have already learned so much, and it is only the second week. I have to observe already too and I will be doing three hours on Friday at Agawam once again. I am so relieved that Ms. Moriarty asked me to student teach with her because it will be so much less stressful. I will still be plenty terrified but at least it will be in a comfortable environment and with a mentor that is honestly my teaching inspiration.
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Convocation with Meg and Kaylee

Katie and I 

Pat, Kim, Katie and I on Elms Night

Laura and I at the Brimfield Fair
The Sugar Shoppe is still open but I only work on the weekends. The weather has been so cold lately that I haven't even had to work, which is a blessing because I am so sick of that place. I am back to my four hours a week at the library but it might be bumped up to eight if one of our staff gets transfered to IT. I hope he does because it will help with his major, and I will get the extra hours. Tutoring starts next week and I will be working eight hours there as well. This will be plenty for the semester- I just hope that I will be making enough money to stay afloat and to save to move out in the spring. I paid off all of my car insurance this summer, so now I just have to get my car fixed, which Uncle Joe is supposed to work on this weekend. Then book MTELs for November, which is around $100. Books are paid for- I am splitting them with Katie. And I set a budget for myself for food during the week which hopefully will work if I follow it. We have a new cafe now on campus and I just need to stay away from those cappuccinos. They are so tempting.
The best hot chocolate in the world!

I am working out about four to five days a week, and will hopefully boost it up to everyday but it is just hard to fit it in. Studying has to come first. But I am enjoying it. Katie, Kaylee, and I go together, which makes it so much more enjoyable. We usually do a mile of cardio, weights, and core training. It feels great and gives me so much more energy during the day. I am struggling with running- not exercising and being sick for so long has taken a lot out of me, but I will get there. Also, my stomach muscles are pretty much non-existent. I did not realize how fragile they were until I started working them, and ouch. I have to be careful and remember that they do not have much muscle control after being in constant pain. 

Anyways, I love Creative Writing and for homework we had to write a poem called a Renga. It is a Japanese poem with a specific meter- 5,7,5/ 7,5 and it is filled with imagery where each line describes something different. But, the lines all need to be loosely connected in some way. I spent all day writing these with friends, alternating lines, and it was a blast. Here is mine:

Ramblings of an Autumn Evening

crisp autumn evening
the boys and girls skip and swirl
from their lincoln-logged

desks made of cherry wood, smooth
as the sweet pie crust

rolling traffic stop
beep and the stars win the game
where bleachers hide lies

behind your gangly scarecrow
frame glasses study

shakespearean plays
and balcony couples twirl
confetti swoops down

as smoldering ash, black flecks
in the candle’s glow

hot as the rouge sun
drenched tomatoes picked at dusk
red cinnamon sweet

scent on your breath as you grin
like a crescent moon

a harsh man howls
as babies shriek and scowl
bottled up feelings

joyous jack-o-lanterns shine
as darkness strolls by

That's about it. I will post about my life, thoughts, poems, etc. from now on, so check back in and leave a comment- thanks!


  1. I'm so glad you wrote an update! It is fun to hear what you are up to. The girls were telling me you were hoping to move into your own place. That sounds exciting. Do you know who you would live with? I had so much fun having roommates and living on my own too.

    It sounds like you have a fun semester ahead of you. So you are exercising regularly? It sure makes a difference to have friends to exercise with. Running is a lot harder for me when I do it alone.

    Great poem - you have a gift for writing Karissa!

    Post pictures next time! :)

    Love you,
    Aunt Judi

  2. yeah! I love the photos! You are just too cute Karissa! :)

    Love you!

  3. yay pictures :) I LOVE that poem. that sounds like such a fun writing exercise. I'm glad your enjoying the semester so much :)
